2018 Large Class Boys' Championship

WillowBrook Golf Club (Manchester, Tenn.)
September 25-26, 2018

Due to the weather conditions, day two of the tournament was cancelled.

Pairings/Tee Times Other Tournaments

Course Card

HOLE 123456789 OUT 101112131415161718 IN TOT
YDS 301458160350327346452120364 2878 264106500295347364460142348 2826 5704
PAR 453444534 36 435444534 36 72


Science Hill (SH)
Sean Anderson Sr.
Ross Boehling Jr.
Carter Counts Jr.
Tarun Hoskere Jr.
Gavin Nickels Sr.
Jackson Skeen Jr.
Farragut (Farr)
Antonio Farinella Sr.
Steven Haremski Sr.
Chad Homan Sr.
Hayden Ott Jr.
Connor Price So.
Lance Simpson So.
Cookeville (Cville)
Luke Caldwell Fr.
Seth Clayton So.
Will Dycus Sr.
Jared Funderburk Sr.
Bryce Turnbow Sr.
Ethan Vanstratum Jr.
Coffee Co. (Coff Co)
Austin Farris Sr.
Logan Hale Fr.
Matthew Hale Sr.
Chase Hancock So.
Josh Perry Sr.
Samuel Prater Sr.
Hendersonville (Hv)
Kobe Hill So.
Hudson Jones Sr.
Bray Roberts Fr.
Logan Spurrier Jr.
Rhett Walker Sr.
Landon Word Jr.
Dickson Co. (DC)
Ty Beasley Jr.
Ty Crouch Sr.
Trey Register Sr.
Allen Stokes Sr.
Cameron Tankersley Fr.
Seth Wright Sr.
Covington (Cov)
Scout Davis Jr.
Carson Ruffin So.
Luke Smith Sr.
Griffin Warmath Sr.
Drake Whitmer Sr.
Houston (Hou)
King Grisanti Sr.
Jackson McCommon Fr.
Matt Nicell So.
Travis Olsen Jr.
Eric Parmenter Jr.
Grey Smith Jr.
Individuals (Ind)
Dalton Harrison Fr. Arlington (Arl)
Trenton Johnson Sr. Brentwood (Bw)
Cooper Hayes So. Carter (Carter)
Matt Garvin Jr. Collierville (Coll)
Ethan Ray Jr. Collierville (Coll)
Jayden Zimmer So. Crockett Co. (Cr Co)
Isaac Walker Sr. DeKalb Co. (DeKalb)
John Morris, Jr. Jr. Franklin (Frk)
Bubba Davis Sr. Hardin Co. (Hard Co)
Jeremy Jones Jr. Hardin Valley (Hard Va)
Mark McDearman Jr. Lebanon (Leb)
Jeremiah Ellis So. Lenoir City (Len Cty)
Zachary Douglas Sr. Lexington (Lex)
Nicholas Thompson Sr. McMinn Co. (McM Co)
Garrett Chumley So. Oakland (Oakl)
Kyle Hanfland Sr. Ravenwood (Rw)
Dylan Cottrell Jr. Rossview (Ross)
Jack Tickle So. Tennessee (TN)
Hayden Blair Jr. Tullahoma (Tull)
Jacob Uehlein Sr. Tullahoma (Tull)
John Wes Lovelace Fr. Volunteer (Vol)
Dalton Sutton Jr. Walker Valley (WV)
Nick Etherton Fr. William Blount (WB)
Trey Melvin Jr. Wilson Central (Wilson)