2018 Large Class Girls' Championship

WillowBrook Golf Club (Manchester, Tenn.)
September 25-26, 2018

Due to the weather conditions, day two of the tournament was cancelled.

Pairings/Tee Times Other Tournaments

Course Card

HOLE 123456789 OUT 101112131415161718 IN TOT
YDS 301458160350327346452120364 2878 264106500295347364460142348 2826 5704
PAR 453444534 36 435444534 36 72


Dobyns Bennett (D Ben)
Erin Colhoun So.
Katerina Scott Sr.
Isabella Van der Biest So.
Farragut (Farr)
Lexanne Halama So.
Aynsleigh Martin Jr.
Lindsay Ott So.
Vivian Wang Fr.
Cleveland (Cleve)
Emma Crouch Jr.
Ellie Mills Jr.
Hannah Nall Fr.
Tullahoma (Tull)
Ava Catherine Banks So.
Ashley Gilliam Sr.
Mallory Tevrucht Fr.
Station Camp (SC)
Ellie Bloodworth Sr.
Lilly Bloodworth So.
Lynn Lim Fr.
Paige Roberson So.
Ravenwood (Rw)
Shelly Jang Fr.
Emily Nelson Fr.
Sophia Richter Fr.
Dawnbe Yu Fr.
South Gibson (S Gib)
Emma Butler Fr.
Cameron Patrick Jr.
Langston Patrick Jr.
Houston (Hou)
Anna Bebawy So.
Jayna Choi Sr.
Lilly Kate Sitckles Fr.
Kimberly Tsai So.
Individuals (Ind)
Anna Slye Sr. Arlington (Arl)
Rachel Stephens Sr. Bartlett (Bart)
McKinley Cunningham Jr. Clarksville (Clk)
Kallie Robertson Sr. Clarksville (Clk)
Shanna Lyle Fr. Collierville (Coll)
Kelsee Neely Sr. Cumberland Co. (Cum Co)
Anna Chew Jr. DeKalb Co. (DeKalb)
Erin Welch Jr. Dyersburg (Dyers)
Isabella Griggs Jr. Franklin (Frk)
Padyn Davis Sr. Hardin Co. (Hard Co)
Kennedy Noe So. Knoxville Catholic (K. Cath)
Alyssa Montgomery Sr. Knoxville Central (K. Cent)
Shelby Liford Sr. Knoxville Halls (K. Halls)
Emma Rochelle So. Lawrence Co. (Law Co)
Lilli Thompson So. Lawrence Co. (Law Co)
Haley Scott Jr. Lexington (Lex)
Gracie Johns Sr. Morristown East (ME)
Rachel Chan Fr. Murfreesboro Central (Mboro)
Zoe Robinson Sr. N. Martin Luther King (N. MLK)
Sadie Pan Jr. Rossview (Ross)
Kara Carter So. Sullivan South (Sull S)
Claudette Runk Fr. Summit (Summit)
Lily Self Sr. Tennessee (TN)
Makenzie Morton Sr. White Co. (White Co)